Sabai Sabai In Prachuap Kirikan

Tonight a funny thing happened while having a beer on the second floor of a restaurant on the beach road here in Prachuap Kirikan town, where I arrived today after spending a few days in…

Rayong Beaches, Feb. 2021

Pre-Ramble Though in southern France a year and a half ago, I haven’t been to the US since 2016, so had planned to go in the spring of last year. Then COVID hit and made…

Reflection On Race

Because of current events, I’ve been thinking of writing something related to the issue of race. I’ve had a broad array of ideas in mind, but writing is always discovery and this turned out to…

Thai Motorcycle Saga

It’s near the end of February 2020 as I write this and I just got back from almost two weeks in Hua Hin, a couple hours south of Bangkok on the Sea of Siam. I…

Dave's Rave